Barney and Barnabus by Ambient.Impact ------------------------------------- Credits: - original barney model and textures by Gearbox for HL PS2 - original HEV suit and textures by Gearbox for HL PS2 - eye/ID tag textures made by me - id clip from PS2 scientist, by Gearbox - tie texture taken from dead_barney.mdl from Blue-Shift, by Gearbox - various bits and textures on barnabus by tundra_cool - scratches on vest and facial hair by One Eyed Newt Tools used: - Milkshape 3D 1.7.0c - LithUnwrap 1.3 - Adobe Photoshop CS - studiomdl by VALVe - Kratisto's Half-Life MDL Decompiler 1.2 - EditPad Lite - Several large bags of pretzels Changes: 1.0 - January 1, 2004 - fixed many texture misalignments - tweaked and modified many textures - added hi-res id badge (thanks to Calhoun from the HIT forums for pointing out that barney has level 3, not level 2 access) - removed vest clips on chest from texture, to prevent them showing if texture becomes misaligned, and remodeled the clips - replaced tie texture - added animations that previously only had placeholders, and modified them to include keyframes for all fingers - barnabus: - heavily mixed and modified many textures - stole m4 from tundra_cool's barnabus - remodeled dent in helmet (now looks more obvious, and has cracks) 1.1 - January 25, 2004 - added HEV Barney for certain Sven Coop maps - modified torso hitboxes to behave like the helmet when shot with 9mm/shotgun rounds (i.e. is bullet-proof), based on idea by tundra_cool 1.5 - July 3, 2004 - replaced body mesh with the one from Half-Life: Decay from the PS2 disc, now much higher poly count (approx. 3000 polys total with head and weapon) - added proper smoothing groups to highlight some sharp edges (look at the model in HLMV in smooth shaded mode to see what I mean) - removed/replaced all textures from other games - redesigned ID tag text, based it on one of the HD pack Barney textures (I found one that was almost legible) - retouched many textures, some quite heavily - added more detail to the belt - tweaked UV maps somewhat Ambient.Impact